Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Merry Christmas

This year, I had the joy of celebrating Christmas and hosting a party at my brother's house! If I had insisted going to Taiwan with Jeff, we would have missed this wonderful experience of sharing the birth of Jesus with our 28 guests!

I also had the joy of sharing the Christmas story with Jere! I was lost of words due to the crowd of children in the room. I told them that Christmas is about the birthday of Jesus and not about Santa Claus! Jere added that it is also not about presents and Christmas tree! That night, in the car, I praised him for supporting me and taking his role seriously. I commended him for being responsible and guess what? It lasted till today when he came and added that Christmas is not about sweets!

All glory to Him. I had received my gift this 2007- the joy of sharing with my son!

Merry Christmas

Wonder why we celebrate Christmas? It's about the birth of Jesus!

Last saturday was eventful as it was the first time that my brother allowed us to enter his house to host a Christmas party! Even my mum was pretty shocked to hear that! It is truly amazing grace! Besides the 28 guests who turned up, I also had the joy to witness with my son to the rest og the children present! He was quick witted to add that Christmas isn't about presents, Santa Claus, Christmas tree. The rest of the children listened to him! While I had to manage the 10 children in the room, trying to read the Christmas story, there was Jeremiah! Once he spoke, the rest of the them stopped their bickering and listened! I am amazed how God use the little ones among us to reach out to their age group! One day, you will know what I mean to experience such joy of sharing with your children. So it is not good to leave your children at home while you serve, take them with you and you will not know when God will give them words of wisdom!

This is my christmas gift! I am happy enuf! What about you? Silver bells, pretty dress??

Yesterday, message was on Grace. Let's demonstrate grace this Christmas and in the year 2008.

kid and lamb

The young of a goat is called a kid while the young of a sheep is called a lamb. WOnder why we are calling our young " kids" rather than "children"?

While a goat is self centered and cowardly, a sheep in contrast is protective and brave esp in the face of danger. So I am going to switch the use of "kids" to "children" as I would like my children to be brave and not self centred.
Citing from Nancy Campbell book.

Another interesting English point to share. I do get confused when should I be using "I" and " me". Here's the example. Jodia and I saw Adelyn. Adelyn saw Jodia and me.

Just started reading this book title "A mother's heart", still reading "English as it is broken" and working on " Fulfilled family", "The power of motherhood" and "Husband and wife" from navigators. Abit ambitious hor! Also trying to compressed the book "Secret of an irresistable woman" to share with cluster!( I am not trying to show is for my own records)

Well, I find comfort in Isaiah 40:11 " He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gahter the lambs with HIs arm, and carry them in HIs bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young."

Maybe some of you may like to know why I am reading this "irresistable woman" book. I tot that this book will remind my how to keep my marriage in shape. It didn't turn out as it is a book more suited for ladies looking for the right mate. So please wait for me to chew it and share when I am done with it.(I am those with young)

Btw, I found the answer to what age should a baby be weaned. Nancy campbel page 168. at least 3 years old in bible days.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

willing work

FYI, I had started volunteering work. I am so stressed out when I hear those parents who have kids who are already reading independently. Then I hear about this and that school being good and the list of reasons that explains why this school is a good school.

My reason for this school is that it is the only Christian school in Tampines. I know it is academically driven too. Poi Chin is another good school for kids with strong chinese support.

Last week, I heard about the grace of God upon this family who got into this school as a volunteer. What she did was to write in and appeal and go home to pray. God is in show biz. He wants people to know how popular HE is and shows HIs mighty work among us. Am I an outstanding advertisment...? Wana see more? Log on to the bible for more. (jere can imitate the mocca adver quite well. He really knocked me off when one day when I was putting on his trunks for him and he suddenly jumped on the bed and "perform" the adver!) I wanted to video it but my boss said that I have better work to do! So I submit lah!

little miss potti

Hee! Hee! I am going to announce that my princess is potty- trained! I am so impressed with her. She will tell me that she wants to pee and took off her underwear and pee. You will find it tickling when she sits on her little tub instead of her potty, very cute! She is very happy with herself when she pees and pass motion on it. She will beam in pride and tell daddy about it! I told her I will give her a star each time she pees and she is happy. So am I!

See how easy to please young kids! On the contrary, Jere is responding well with withdrawal of rewards. I told him that when he is super angelic, he gets to watch 3 vcd, 2 for good behaviour, 1 for average and 0 for unacceptable day. It works well for a week now! Try it.

Well, I think God works like that too. The younger we are spiritually the easier to discipline and train. and vice versa, agree? So let's try to be a retard and give God a break of our nonsense! Can I? Talking rubbish again....bye!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


I think it is amazing! After today's sermon, we returned home talking about wives submit to husbands. So I assume that wives in general have a problem with agreeing with our husbands most of the time. So it is in the bible so it must be a "household" issue!

Jeff shut me up when he said, "wives submit to husbands!" Oh! I dun feel oppressed instead I tot about how God must know that women have alot of disagreement with men! And the point is to submit! Focus discuss is "I must submit when I disagree." Then that is submission! I think it is awesome! Din realised that I have been in disagreement mode almost all the time as I often think that I am quite submissive! So why aren't we in agreement?

I dun know! I constantly ask myself what is my responsibility and God's responsibility is GRACE. My responsibility is to align my life with HIS words! How? Still finding out. Wun be perfect as long as I live!

I do still have issues stuck in my head...waiting for God to act before I open my mouth. Things like:
fyi attitude from my girls
invitation for Christmas party
invitation for baptism
house- signing of papers
renovation discussion
catering to my unmarried girls and married ones
plan for 2008
review of 2007
Nov and dec plans with kids
volunteering work
still have some more..brain swelling now. So wun think more. quite sleepy now. bye

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Number of the day!

Princess is watching ELmo. Just talked to my property agent and found out that she had sent her 3 kids to NAFA for piano training. It is timely as Jere is going to complete his lesson and ready to embark on the official grade 1!

What is more shocking is my agent had told his husband that she will only SAH if she has a maid else she will be busy doing housework!(many years ago) So what is her job scope? She said is to teach! Ironically, I continued to probe...So I asked her what did she teach when her children were young? Guess what was her reply? Oh! I don't teach, I just make sure that they do their schoolwork! I wonder if she heard herself as the questions were asked sequentially! I am not trying to be funny..I had asked in the light of gaining some wisdom from these "old-timer". Her kids top the school in of course I must know her secret by asking...isn't it? Then surprise...surprise! I think she is just being humble by saying that she din teach! She keep telling me that all her kids are different. So let's all be reminded that we should train our child the way each of them should go!

Oh yes! Training them so that when they are old they will not depart from it! What is the "it"? The relationship with God!!!not acadamic performance! I had told Jeff to remind me when Jere steps into St Hilda's..I am more fearful then him. I want and am telling myself that it is not results that make a person.But what is the composition of a person. What am building in them today?

Oh! I am also glad to share that even praying for my tuition kids prove worthwhile! One scored 90plus for English and Science while my ACS boy scored 80plus for science and MeeToh girl scored 80plus for Maths and 90plus for Eng! I am so proud of them! Thank God for their good grades! My next-contact list I must pray for them.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

strange life/ amazing grace

I think it is kinda of amazing how we are wired. Is it just background or right from creation in our mother's womb? I wonder why...
After having children, then I know what life is all about.
After being a sahm, then I know what is love
After having no tuition, then I know what is freedom
After having more free time, then I know what is thinking!

Now that my tuition is almost ending, I am free once again. Strange to get this feeling of freedom and freshness inside me. This morning, I just thought that I can have my exercise since Wang shang can take princess with her while sending my FIL to work. Then I get to exercise