Monday, September 8, 2008

mood swings

Must be those mood swings again... Been acting up whenever I am teaching or rather telling Jere what to do. He was so nervous that he had bad stomachache during his HYPY class. He ended up washing his own underwear!!!see how terribe and fierce I am!

Today, I have those panic attacks again... I wonder if I had done enuf to prepare him for Pri 1 next year! I had wanted to start him with P1 work by this term but fail. He still has quite alot to cover before I can buy P1 books. Am I setting myself again?? Such a painful thing to hear him telling me that his friend told him to stop copying. Then I asked him what is it that he had been copying, he said he dun know!!!

Gotta trust and continue to pray for him and I guess esp. me!!! I came back from encounter and Jf expected me to be transformed. Then I blurted out saying that I was there transforming others, as I have to remain faithful, the same yesterday, today and forever!! He laughed. I tot I was quite good at thrilling my hubby...

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