Monday, September 15, 2008

Another week of hope

Thank you Esther once again for sharing your input. I wonder if it is expectation?? I just want him to have a good attitude.

Anyway, Jere behaved well today. Teacher praised he can stop talking if he finds a reason to do so! I am withholding his birthday present till I check with his teacher about his execessive talking. Juli told me to check with my mum and MIL if we were like that when we were young. Indeed. Yesterday, my mum said that I was like and dictate people around. I am so good at bossing around so I wasn't a concern for my mum!

So why is jere so talkative....ME, why is khloe so vain....ME! Disaster...MIrror mirror on the wall....after all these "mirrors" are great teachers!

ASHAMED SAHM(do you notice the alphabets are just jumble up?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, you where got talkative. Yo just speak fast and speak neceesarily!!!