Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thank You Esther

I jus browse thru Esther's blog. I am so encouraged to read her entries. They are so real and so happening. Like mine! Everyday is a challenge, an oppurtuniy for mothers to trust and yell and scream of HIS goodness. Well...depending what state we are in.

Indeed, every child is different so we have to perserve in training the child the way he should go...so that when he is old, he will not depart from it. What more can we ask...but God to be my help...

We are blessed and priviledged to be at home, consider the 40 day fast booklet. How does it speak to you. Well....I mean what God had given you..more will be given.

Spiderman's uncle told him that "with great power, comes great responsibilities." So I had told Jere that the bible said that too! Again I have to remind him that that what we have are blessings that God gave.

Jere is so excited each time Jeff tells him that petrol price drops. Coz we've been praying so that extra cash can be put aside for our family retreat....

God does not look at the outside but what we are inside. E.g samuel went to select David....he was the last likely candidate to be King. Yet he was the one! Similarly, I can't see what jere and khloe are up to in future. Thank God He can. See...those who have ears, let them hear.

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