After tonight...the trumpet will sound. The begining of 3 day fast. Today the fast booklet spoke to me! I am reminded to live simply. So I have to forget the Mango clothes I saw yesterday, the Taiwan trip that I have been thinking.
Now, I have reduced jere's class to just HYPY and reading. Will not be continuing Art. Have to wait for another season for Abacus to start! What a pity! After I allowed him to decide to continue or not, Jeff and MIL told me that abacus is good for him! Obvious lah...otherwise, I would not have been scouting around for so so long. And to bear all their complaints that I had piled Jere with too many lessons! So fuming to think about it! I must say that MUM knows best! So stop meddling with me!!!
Perhaps I should just wait for 2 months before starting Jere with his piano. Meanwhile, I will get him to complete his assessment books and erhmm....take him swimming!
O Lord, enlarge my hands to do and plan. May it please you. BTW, I was asked to take up HARP coordinating. Wonder if I am making a right move??
Had calculated....gotta wait for another 3 years before I apply full-time. Will not be doing full-time tuition, as no CPF. wanna pay off HDB loan asap! Says my lord.
Kinda of scare to work again! Wonder how the Lord will pave the way for me to return to my first- love- Teaching. Also I had been sitting on the testimony which I am still wondering about. Will it stand after 4 years later? Will it be useful then?
I'm sure if it is HIS purpose, I will get a position in SHPS in due time. Gotta act in faith. Without faith, cannot please God.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Thank You Esther
I jus browse thru Esther's blog. I am so encouraged to read her entries. They are so real and so happening. Like mine! Everyday is a challenge, an oppurtuniy for mothers to trust and yell and scream of HIS goodness. Well...depending what state we are in.
Indeed, every child is different so we have to perserve in training the child the way he should that when he is old, he will not depart from it. What more can we ask...but God to be my help...
We are blessed and priviledged to be at home, consider the 40 day fast booklet. How does it speak to you. Well....I mean what God had given you..more will be given.
Spiderman's uncle told him that "with great power, comes great responsibilities." So I had told Jere that the bible said that too! Again I have to remind him that that what we have are blessings that God gave.
Jere is so excited each time Jeff tells him that petrol price drops. Coz we've been praying so that extra cash can be put aside for our family retreat....
God does not look at the outside but what we are inside. E.g samuel went to select David....he was the last likely candidate to be King. Yet he was the one! Similarly, I can't see what jere and khloe are up to in future. Thank God He can. See...those who have ears, let them hear.
Indeed, every child is different so we have to perserve in training the child the way he should that when he is old, he will not depart from it. What more can we ask...but God to be my help...
We are blessed and priviledged to be at home, consider the 40 day fast booklet. How does it speak to you. Well....I mean what God had given you..more will be given.
Spiderman's uncle told him that "with great power, comes great responsibilities." So I had told Jere that the bible said that too! Again I have to remind him that that what we have are blessings that God gave.
Jere is so excited each time Jeff tells him that petrol price drops. Coz we've been praying so that extra cash can be put aside for our family retreat....
God does not look at the outside but what we are inside. E.g samuel went to select David....he was the last likely candidate to be King. Yet he was the one! Similarly, I can't see what jere and khloe are up to in future. Thank God He can. See...those who have ears, let them hear.
Monday, July 28, 2008
The stranger on the road to Emmaus
Hmm..I've just started reading this book this morning. Thick book to digest, but I'm sure I will swallow them well if I chew on it bit by bit!
Same goes for God's word. Chew, meditate day and night...soon you will be able to swallow it.
This week will be a rather quite and not easy week to go through! The tot of 3 day fast makes my feet weak! Do you?
Oh yes, I must applaud Julianna for reminding the speaker that Titus 2:5 "...busy at home."1 Tim 5:14 " manage their homes..." are words for NIV that tells women to be at home.
Certainly, work is important as work at home is still work. So listen up!
I am also tinking if Ican get friends to go with me on the 16 august a sat to Suntec convention hall to attend a seminar organised by Channel news asia. Topic is "perfecting parenting." $11 per person, register before 31 July. 2-5.30pm.
Gotta pray through CK prg, will be briefing the helpers this sunday. Thank God for extra hands to help!
Somehow, this week seemed like it is going to be long....however, I am happy to think about Lizhen's hubby coming back home to her this week too! very tough to be taking care of a baby alone. So I am very thankful that these series of parent talks are targeted at HUSBANDS.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Finally I managed to receive the ck prg from Serene. Praise God. Now, I am wondering who are the folks in my team??? How to allocate when I do not have the updated list. I am so haywire! Rather so half- hearted!
Lord, please help me put this prg in place so that someone will benefit it. Let me see throught your eyes and well.....those who forgive less loves less. I tot it was interesting to read it tis morning! So forgive more then can love more!
Today is a rainy day, I remembered my girlfriend always sing this song, "I'm only happy when it rains..." So cute and then she will shake and dance to the beat!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's truly amazing how God works in my life! While I fret and stressed out coz of jere's work. I am often reminded to rest in HIs presence and seek His face. In my panic, I tried everything to get jere to learn and score 100%. Then in my tears, I cried to God how hopeless and helpless I am. date, that boy had been scoring 100% for consecutively 3 weeks for all his chineses and English Spelling!
So the point is let go and let God take control my life.
Here's some pix of my teachers....he was trying to eat the wood.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Breastfeeding and me
Yesterday, after service...I pondered upon my life. There are so many things to praise God and thank our Lord for....yet my face does not show them all! My hubby often reminded me to smile more especially on Sunday...yet...again and again..I failed myself and my lord.
Before I share, I would like you to hear this great announcement! There is a new post called "Senior home affairs minister". And the next ladder to climb is probably Mentor home affairs minister. My friend sue was promoted! She was appraised based on last year 2007 performance and yes! She scored an A, which calls for an increment and yahoo recognition! I was over the moon to hear that this is one post out for grab! So go and grab it asap! Isn't it still very thrilling and exciting to be a SAHM!! Got lots to do and creative space to explore!
Okay. Remember when I started bf Khloe....first the milk don't arrive.So pray and eat all the food that will trigger the flow. once the suckling continues..the milk will eventually arrive...I enter into the land filled with milk and honey. since the milk is established, I continuted to bf coz of the ease and benefits of it. Finally I start to think of weaning...squeezed lemon and stucked them on!!
Just like my life!!!be it wanting a life partner, a baby, a career, a school and etc . I will pray and do all I can to get what is my desire. Then I perserve in seeking and doing everything in my power to be closer to my goal. Once I get my desired goal, sometimes I may continue to work on it, and sometimes or rather most of the time, I will neglect it, put it aside and let it turn unwanted doll. When will I start to store treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy...when will I move out of my comfort zone and serve the least?
Oh! Another wonderful story to share which happened yesterday. I was early for service, so I took Jere, Xavier and Khloe for a walk along Expo. Seeing Xavier holding on to his autobot, I asked the Lord to give me something worthy to share about the kingdom. The code "666" in rev 13:16-17 "He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to recieve a mark on his right hand or on his forehead." I told them that during the end times, people will have this mark. Surprised and curious, they asked me about how can this happen. Then along the way, I pointed to them the numerous machinery around us which require mircochip to operate. They sought and pointed to me while walking. I told them that when I was young, there was't so many of such machinery around. People chose and not forgetting the we were created in HIs own image, we have the ability to think and create both good and bad things. I asked them to give their mind to create good or bad things.. to create more machines...? Just like the cube has enormous power, so is our mind. I asked them if they will surrender and always ask God to help them? Of course, they din answered me...totally lost in what I said..I tot!
Later during service, I asked them what I can pray for them. Xavier wanted a PSB, Jere wanted a mark on this forehead! I was thrown off again!
Before I share, I would like you to hear this great announcement! There is a new post called "Senior home affairs minister". And the next ladder to climb is probably Mentor home affairs minister. My friend sue was promoted! She was appraised based on last year 2007 performance and yes! She scored an A, which calls for an increment and yahoo recognition! I was over the moon to hear that this is one post out for grab! So go and grab it asap! Isn't it still very thrilling and exciting to be a SAHM!! Got lots to do and creative space to explore!
Okay. Remember when I started bf Khloe....first the milk don't arrive.So pray and eat all the food that will trigger the flow. once the suckling continues..the milk will eventually arrive...I enter into the land filled with milk and honey. since the milk is established, I continuted to bf coz of the ease and benefits of it. Finally I start to think of weaning...squeezed lemon and stucked them on!!
Just like my life!!!be it wanting a life partner, a baby, a career, a school and etc . I will pray and do all I can to get what is my desire. Then I perserve in seeking and doing everything in my power to be closer to my goal. Once I get my desired goal, sometimes I may continue to work on it, and sometimes or rather most of the time, I will neglect it, put it aside and let it turn unwanted doll. When will I start to store treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy...when will I move out of my comfort zone and serve the least?
Oh! Another wonderful story to share which happened yesterday. I was early for service, so I took Jere, Xavier and Khloe for a walk along Expo. Seeing Xavier holding on to his autobot, I asked the Lord to give me something worthy to share about the kingdom. The code "666" in rev 13:16-17 "He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to recieve a mark on his right hand or on his forehead." I told them that during the end times, people will have this mark. Surprised and curious, they asked me about how can this happen. Then along the way, I pointed to them the numerous machinery around us which require mircochip to operate. They sought and pointed to me while walking. I told them that when I was young, there was't so many of such machinery around. People chose and not forgetting the we were created in HIs own image, we have the ability to think and create both good and bad things. I asked them to give their mind to create good or bad things.. to create more machines...? Just like the cube has enormous power, so is our mind. I asked them if they will surrender and always ask God to help them? Of course, they din answered me...totally lost in what I said..I tot!
Later during service, I asked them what I can pray for them. Xavier wanted a PSB, Jere wanted a mark on this forehead! I was thrown off again!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Everyone.....I got in to SHPS!
Hi all...I am pleased to announce that my ordeal of worries and doubts and fears and of course shifting is paid off! I got into SHPS! Ha!Ha! And Amen and glory to GOD.
anyone interested?
Yesterday, at 8pm, I had logged in to see if there was going to be balloting. 45 places, 24 within 1km, 8 within 2km, and 30 outside 2km. So there will be balloting for those who are outside 2km for only 13 places left.
Then I had a nightmare! I dreamed that Brenda from SHPS called me to tell me that there will be balloting! I freak out in unbelief! I read clearly and had spoken to Brenda and others to clarify this part about the within 1 km thingy! Then it overwhelming response?What a relief when I awoke at 6.30am, refusing to return to bed! Tonight, gotta check online again to confirm that Jereboy is in! Praise God!
Well for one thing to share about this school is that when we decided to shift from punggol to Tampines, we had decided that it must be close enuf so that we don't have to pay for transport. Not realising that this balloting thingy gives priority for people who stay within 1 km then 1-2 km then last 2km outside the school diameter! So praise God for helping us with this decision.
Also, when we purchase this unit successfully, without our part of delay, I had told God that it will be a sign that I will get into SHPS!
Today fast n pray booklet talks about the thing that is stuck in my heart! How can I let my husband go... to a place not developed. How can I face each day wondering if my children will be fatherless, yet I am reminded that HE will be My Father....
How to let go and trust God and encourage my husband to go and pursue what he should do? Seriously must pray for an undivided heart.
Yesterday, my mum came and stayed with me. I was so happy esp. my hubby went to pick her from Purmei. I know this is how Jeff shows that he loves me! KEE!!Ke!!
Check out Khloe's new friend. My neighbour's niece..Pakistan blood..beautiful hor!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
letz try
Been wondering and trying to keep update with times...such as FACEBOOK...but still sitting on it. Now trying to download photos from my handphone.
Later today, i will be going to SHPS to continue volunteering in the HARP program. And tomorrow will register for Jeremiah. Again after today, I will tell Jeff about ballotting!
Interestingly, I recalled that 2 weeks ago, Yeedi told me to have faith. It's funny when she said that I am P's G12, so the faith level must be greater! Wow! kana kick! Gotta remeber that at all times and all place, must be alert to hold on to my faith.
Just can't stop grumbling these days about the possibility of balloting!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
"I gave them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD. They will be my people, and I will be their God." Jeremiah 24:7
How truly blessed I am to be identified with our maker!
How truly blessed I am to be identified with our maker!
Bless the Poor.
This 40 day fast has set my heart heavy on these words....instead of often feeding the already well- fed gang, can I change to find a totally new breed of friends to mingle?
How can I shift my value system and demonstrate what God commands me to do? Please note that by feeding the poor will not make me a better Christian. The act of humility in my heart which must take place then the change of lifestlye will probably catch HIS atttention.
"I wanna be like Jesus...I wanna follow Him... I wanna be like Jesus, over and over and over again...."
So tighten my belt and be on a lookout, gotta kick myself out of comfort living and enter into a land filled with "milk and honey".
I surely hope this 40 day fast will make me more like Jesus- my saviour and friend! Do you know Him yet?
I'm back!
Yahoo! For one main reason why I had not updated my blog is that I had forgotten my password since I shifted here in late Feb. Thank God for Esther and pof course my beloved who had left his laptop for my pleasure.
"How come" every 10 minutes is what you will hear in my palace here for these few months now! It is almost driving me nuts! So I resort to "I dun know!" Fed up and annoyed with the repeated questions, I had chosen not to eloborate.
Anyway..just to share..this thursday I will be registering my dear son to St Hildas. Still learning to trust Him...
Gotta go...She is touching everything on this workdesk of my hubby!
"How come" every 10 minutes is what you will hear in my palace here for these few months now! It is almost driving me nuts! So I resort to "I dun know!" Fed up and annoyed with the repeated questions, I had chosen not to eloborate.
Anyway..just to share..this thursday I will be registering my dear son to St Hildas. Still learning to trust Him...
Gotta go...She is touching everything on this workdesk of my hubby!
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